The Music in My Head...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Armand Gene is Home!

WELCOME HOME, Armand Gene! Yippee Skippee! :) :) :) I missed him tremendously. This is going to be a short blogg, though, since I want to spend as much time with my wonderful husband as possible before he takes off for Nebraska next week. He's feeding the fish right now, so this is my chance to say hi to everyone. Not much is happening except for packing me up to move into my apartment in the city. I move on Saturday, if anyone wants to come up and help us. A truck would be nice. Gotta go now. Armand needs my attention...or maybe it's the other way around.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Catching Up

I know it's been over 2 weeks since I last posted anything. Sorry about that, but I've been busy. Going to Maryland was a pretty fun trip, and it helped keep my mind off of the fact that Armand wasn't home, since I wasn't home, either. I had my first experience with Soft Shell Crab while I was up there. It was very interesting. Not bad, but I prefer regular crab, but the biggest problem was that they deep fry it, and I'm not supposed to eat deep fried food until Easter. Oh well, no need to be over legalistic. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. (maybe not, but i've got to justify it somehow) Armand and I have both had one mess up now. It's been really great for us, though. I'm losing weight by not eating fried foods, which is a real bonus. We think we're going to stick with it except for an occasional trip to the Mexican restaurant for Armand's Chimichanga and my chips and dip. Armand said he'll want french fries every once in a while with his hamburger too.

The only other eventful thing that happened on my trip to Maryland was the trip up there. I puked on the plane while we were taxiing to the gate. Don't ask me why, 'cause I wasn't really even feeling all that bad, but we landed and were rolling along, and I was like, "Oh no, please don't let me throw up, and then I grabbed the bag from the seat back in front of me, buried my face in it and puked a few times. Thankfully absolutely nothing came up, but it was quite embarrassing being on a business trip with people in my office watching my puke on the plane. Oh well. I ended up going to bed that night at 6:30 and waking up the next morning at 5:45. Oh wait there was one more story about the trip. I was flying United, and I've never once had a good trip with them, so of course our flight home was delayed a little bit, so we were late getting into Chicago to catch our connection. We make to the plane, though right as they were closing the gate. Whew, we made it, but then we proceed to sit there on the plane for over an hour while they tried to fix the de-icing machine (it's was snowing pretty hard) . So I was an hour late getting back to Oklahoma and we're waiting for our bags...of course they didn't come. We then had to go through all the hastle of that, I go pick up my friend Kalli 'cause she's supposed to cook me some Chicken Parmesan, we go back to the airport to pick up my luggage, get home around 9:00 fix dinner and eat around 10:00. That's eating an hour past my bedtime. In the middle of all of that I repacked for my weekend in Arkansas that I was leaving for in the morning at 0600. Needless to say, I was tired and a little frustrated, but the food was delicious!

So, after visiting my family over the weekend, mainly my cute little nephew (the picture is of him on the left and Teddy (the wonderful bear my husband got me on Valentine's Day when I got him that stuffed heart) on the right), I had to get back to work, unpack from my two back to back trips, go to dance, and be productive while Armand's not around. I just haven't had time to blogg. I hope you guys didn't miss me too much.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Puzzle Mystery Solved

Yesterday I was working on a puzzle of the White House. Armand and I had already gotten the outer frame and some of the inside done. But Armand, being the wonderful, OCD person that he is decided he had to lay all the pieces out in a nice orderly fashion all lined up and in color groups, while I continued trying to put together the blue sky. Well, yesterday, I was working on other parts of the puzzle, and I was getting a little frustrated, because I couldn't find any of the pieces I needed. I almost gave up, when I looked over and saw a puzzle box lid with more pieces lined up nice and neat inside. Unbeknownst to me, when A2 didn't have enough room on the table to get all the pieces laid out perfectly, he put the rest in the box. I was trying to put the puzzle together without half of the pieces. Needless to say after I found the hidden stash of pieces, the progress I made on the puzzle was amazing!

Friday, March 10, 2006

I Love Everything

Hmm, the last couple of days have been pretty good. I think the highlight was getting my blood taken Thursday morning. I LOVE GETTING BLOOD TAKEN! I think it is so cool how they can stick that needle with a whole in it into your tiny veins, and then blood just pours out into the tube. It's the coolest thing!

Dance was also wonderful Thursday night. I LOVE DANCING! For those of you who know me well, you already knew this, for those of you who don't, I love taking ballet. When the show "So You Think You Can Dance" was on, it was my favorite thing in the world to watch. Yes, dear, it would top Scrubs any day in my book. BTW, does anybody know when that show is going to come back on, if at all?

Also on Thursday, I got to go to a Chinese restaurant with my friend Kalli, whose down here from Alaska for a class. I LOVE CHINESE FOOD! But on my way to the restaurant, I remembered that I gave up fried foods for lent...blah, no yummy egg rolls or sweat and sour chicken. But it turned out ok...I made my own soup. I also love soup.

Well this blog turned out to be a blog about things I LOVE, so I must mention my husband in there somewhere. I've been on the phone with him this whole time as a matter of fact. It's so cool that I can talk to him and type at the same time with this cool headset for my phone that I bought this afternoon. I know your thinking, "You've just now discovered the wonderful world of hands free phone devices?" but the deal is, I've tried many headsets, but they all were miserably uncomfortable because my ear holes are too small. This one doesn't have to fit inside my ear, it wraps around it, so I could wear it all day long if need be. Oh, about that talking to him and typing at the same's more like typing, and hearing (not listening) to him at the same time, since I'm an absolutely horrible multi-tasker. It's ok, though, 'cause we're still spending time with each other, even if many words aren't being exchanged.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Lonely Melody

It was a bitter sweet day today. It started out wonderfully because I woke up next to my wonderful, adorable, loving husband. We actually got up at the same time which rarely ever happens (actually, I got up first and then dragged him out of bed). We got to wake up together because I had to take him to the airport this morning. That's the bitter part. It was a lovely forty-five minute drive, me and my lover, but then we had to say goodbye. He'll only be gone for 2 and 1/2 weeks. I say only because once he gets back from this trip, he'll be gone for 2 YEARS. Although this stint is the longest we will have had to survive without each other in over 2 years, I'll know we'll make it. I realized though, that this is the first time in our marriage that he's the one leaving. I'm always the one going on TDYs to have fun leaving him alone at home, but this time, he's the one getting to go have fun while I'm stuck at home. Fun isn't actually a good way to describe what he's about to go through, though. With the meager $9 a day and getting beat up, I don't know how much fun he can have, although he did take the game cube...

Anyway, enough of my whining. I'm not reallly being a pathetic sour puss, just because my husband is gone for a few weeks. I've actually been very productive today. It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you have nobody to rush home to after a days work. Here's what I got done today after work...Went to the post office and bought some 2 cent stamps to augment the outdated 37 cent stamps we already have, got my hair cut, signed my apartment rental agreement, and got my oil changed.

That's definitely enough talk from me today. I'll try to post more often now that I don't have such a hottie living with me to distract me.