The Music in My Head...

Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm Back

Sorry for not blogging in, like, a REALLY LONG time. I actually wrote a really good blog about a month ago, but when I spell checked it, it disappeared and I vowed never to blog again, but then the Noble's blogversary inspired me to try again. (BTW, it ended up being really long, so you don’t have to read all of it in one sitting…)
It's an absolutely beautiful day here in Dayton, OH. It’s basically the first day of spring at 60 degrees and sunny skies. I took the dogs on a long walk which they very much enjoyed, since they haven’t been getting out much in the snow and freezing weather. I don't know about you, but every change in season is very nostalgic for me. It brings back all the memories that enjoyed the same kind of weather. This change of weather has brought me back to Okarche, where Armand would take walks to the post office (since they said we weren’t allowed to have a mailbox). We’d walk the few blocks after dinner holding hands or practicing flight patterns or going over Armand’s pilot training knowledge that he was learning. Fun times. This weather also reminds me of when I lived in OKC without Armand and would go with Legend to this beautiful park around a big lake not far from my apartment.
It’s so refreshing when a new season comes, because it brings hope and expectations of new and exciting experiences to come. Hopefully this warm weather will bring along my husband with it. He’s been out of the country for pretty much 2 months now. I’m really ready to see him. And we’ve got plans to go to Alaska next weekend, so if he’s not back, I’ll have to go alone. Pray for his immediate return.
God has been good to us, though, giving each of us enough grace, comfort and strength to make it through yet another day apart. I’ve been really busy with school work lately. I don’t think I’ve mentioned on here that I decided to try to graduate in 12 months instead of 18 so I can live with A2 sooner. It’s put a lot of stress on me, but it’s so worth it if I can just get a whole thesis done and written by then. I’m about to take my finals for my second quarter. That means I only have 2 more quarters left. Woohoo! (Also, really scary considering how much I don’t have done yet!)
Well, I hope wherever you are reading this that God blesses you in some wonderful way today, like He does me everyday.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Viki said...

Glad you're back!

I'm amazed that you're doing your masters in such a short time. You (& AII) are so brilliant that you'll be fine though. I hope he's back so you can go to Alaska together...

If you're up for some random socialization with some crazy girls and a baby, I'll be in town the weekend before Memorial Day weekend for my friend Karen's baby shower. We'd love to have you join us at some point in the, Karen, Sarah F, Sarah W, and probably Alex (Sarah W's 7 mo. old). You just have to shoot me an e-mail because I can't keep track of your address!

At 12:05 AM, Blogger ArmandII said...

Oh, I had forgotten about flying formation to the post office dear, that is hilarious! I echo Jelaine's request that you guys pray I get home in time.

I don't knwo about anyone else, but I think that chick in the picture is HOT! And she's got a pretty studly looking dog with her. :-)

Kilroy was here!

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had almost given up on your blog site... That was a very nice post. Good job, sis! See you soon!

At 12:07 PM, Blogger H Noble said...

Jelaine's back!!!!
Welcome back to blog world. I had quit checking, but hoped that your comment on ours about getting back into it was true.
I can't imagine living apart from my husband and hope that you don't have to for much longer. Hope he's home for Alaska and you guys have a great time.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger TreyJ said...

So I finally sat down and read the novel, and I totally understand your not blogging very much if you're trying to get school done so quickly!

Drop us a line when you can, and enjoy the changing weather. I'm so ready for it to be warm here for good (or at least for a few months).

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Studly looking dog huh? Nice blog, long, how do you guys all right so much? You've written more than me, but so have most snails.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you're back in the blog world! Good luck with the Master's. I'm trying to get my Ph.D. & internship done in 5 years rather than 6, so we'll see how that goes ;) Oral Comprehensive exams on Wednesday...AHH!

Have a wonderful day my beautiful friend! :)

At 8:37 AM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Not sure if you'll get this, but you've been tagged by me! Check my blog for info...

At 8:07 AM, Blogger H Noble said...

You've been tagged, again. Visit my blog for details.


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