The Music in My Head...

Friday, March 10, 2006

I Love Everything

Hmm, the last couple of days have been pretty good. I think the highlight was getting my blood taken Thursday morning. I LOVE GETTING BLOOD TAKEN! I think it is so cool how they can stick that needle with a whole in it into your tiny veins, and then blood just pours out into the tube. It's the coolest thing!

Dance was also wonderful Thursday night. I LOVE DANCING! For those of you who know me well, you already knew this, for those of you who don't, I love taking ballet. When the show "So You Think You Can Dance" was on, it was my favorite thing in the world to watch. Yes, dear, it would top Scrubs any day in my book. BTW, does anybody know when that show is going to come back on, if at all?

Also on Thursday, I got to go to a Chinese restaurant with my friend Kalli, whose down here from Alaska for a class. I LOVE CHINESE FOOD! But on my way to the restaurant, I remembered that I gave up fried foods for lent...blah, no yummy egg rolls or sweat and sour chicken. But it turned out ok...I made my own soup. I also love soup.

Well this blog turned out to be a blog about things I LOVE, so I must mention my husband in there somewhere. I've been on the phone with him this whole time as a matter of fact. It's so cool that I can talk to him and type at the same time with this cool headset for my phone that I bought this afternoon. I know your thinking, "You've just now discovered the wonderful world of hands free phone devices?" but the deal is, I've tried many headsets, but they all were miserably uncomfortable because my ear holes are too small. This one doesn't have to fit inside my ear, it wraps around it, so I could wear it all day long if need be. Oh, about that talking to him and typing at the same's more like typing, and hearing (not listening) to him at the same time, since I'm an absolutely horrible multi-tasker. It's ok, though, 'cause we're still spending time with each other, even if many words aren't being exchanged.


At 1:32 AM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Yummy! SWEAT and sour chicken? Does it cost extra for a smelly sock?

Just teasing! I think I need a nifty headset, too!

At 1:34 AM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Oh yeah - forgot to mention that I had blood taken recently, too. Three vials full of it! They had this nifty little gadget that they slid the vial into, and the blood started pouring into it. Then, when it was full, they pulled the vial out, and the blood stopped flowing. Then a second one, and so on. Pretty nifty, I thought.

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Scott said...

well on the blood topic, the only time I gave blood it didnt go so well.

chinese food is great, but I dont get it much Luara more of a Tai person. but she to loves dancing like you Jelaine. We are actully signing up for a western swing dance class in April.

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Viki said...

You're a better woman than I. Getting blood taken makes me pass out. It was really funny when I was a kid, though, and my brother told my dad one day that "Dad, Viki passed away today!"


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