The Puzzle Mystery Solved

Yesterday I was working on a puzzle of the White House. Armand and I had already gotten the outer frame and some of the inside done. But Armand, being the wonderful, OCD person that he is decided he had to lay all the pieces out in a nice orderly fashion all lined up and in color groups, while I continued trying to put together the blue sky. Well, yesterday, I was working on other parts of the puzzle, and I was getting a little frustrated, because I couldn't find any of the pieces I needed. I almost gave up, when I looked over and saw a puzzle box lid with more pieces lined up nice and neat inside. Unbeknownst to me, when A2 didn't have enough room on the table to get all the pieces laid out perfectly, he put the rest in the box. I was trying to put the puzzle together without half of the pieces. Needless to say after I found the hidden stash of pieces, the progress I made on the puzzle was amazing!
Hey, I resemble that remark...Ok, so I may be a little OCD but how much easier is the puzzle when I do that for you?
What a nice guy! And I've never heard armand referred to as "A2" before. Might have to steal that one from you.
I wonder how Viki would feel about doing a puzzle. It sounds fun, but I'm afraid the cats would have a lot more fun with it than we would!
I love puzzles! My mom was always one of those OCD people who did the sorting pieces by color thing, too. I remember that we used to have the most awesome puzzle, was a puzzle that was a picture of a puzzle cut not along the puzzle lines. Insane!
Anyway, yes, I'm sure that cats would have way too much fun with the puzzle. Could you imagine Willie with a stray piece?
Cats would have the most fun with the puzzle I agree, I loved working on the 3-d puzzles and the puzzles called Legos!!! I would have a room full of Legos if I could afford the cost of legos these days.
A2 OCD? Nah. I don't believe it. hahaha
Holly and I love to do puzzles as well. Something fun about working it out and talking through it! Althought as OCD as Holly can be, I don't think she lines up the pieces by color.
Ok, since you haven't posted all week, the harrasment is starting...not too much, though. We love the funny stuff you write! Write more! Write more! :-)
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