The Music in My Head...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

So Much to Catch Up On

Wow, where should I start. It's been a while, I know, but I think I've got rather good excuses for not blogging. Well, I'll start with some pictures of my 4 bedroom house while I was down in Wichita Falls. It was a pretty good class, but I was glad to be done so I could go see my hubby and new house. I did end up getting to use my 4 bedroom house to through a party for my class on our last night. I cooked some spaghetti for everyone. It was a pretty fun time. They all thought the spaghetti was great (but it's kind of hard to mess up pasta).
As soon as class was over on Thurs. I drove back to OKC to attend dance rehearsal for Swan Lake and to unpack and repack. The next morning I headed to the airport to go to Omaha! Yeah for visiting your significant other. If you've read Armand's blog, you know how wonderful he treated me. Here are some pictures from the weekend. It was the best weekend I could have even imagined. Armand Gene is so awesome!
All good things come to an end, though, so I had to leave him and my wonderful new house Monday evening. Because of my wonderful luck with United Airlines my flights were delayed of course, so I didn't get home till 12:30 Tues. morning. I then had to get up and go to my job that gives me no satisfaction. I did get to tutor the 5th graders that I tutor in Math every week. From work, I went straight to my dress rehearsal for Swan Lake. I missed the first dress rehearsal hanging out in the airport. On Thursday we performed opening night. It went ok, but it was kind of depressing for me, since it was the first performance I've ever done without anyone I know coming to see me. It felt more like a second dress rehearsal. On Friday, though my parents and in-laws came to see the ballet. It was wonderful. Here's a picture.
On Saturday, me and my parents hung out. Armand's parents had to drive back home on Friday night. I made my parents come with me to the pound to see if I could find a dog to buy, 'cause they were having a brown bag special (any animal with brown on it could be adopted for $25. I found one! It was perfect. Just what Armand and I were wanting. A male Miniature Pinscher that was black and tan. He's a year and a half old, so I'll miss the puppy experience, but I think that's best in the long run, since I don't have all day to devote to the little guy. I went ahead and adopted him, but won't be able to pick him up for another week or 2 since he was a stray and needs to get shots and surgery. Sorry I don't have a picture for you. I'll post one as soon as I get to bring him home. This being my first dog ever, any advice you pet lovers can give me, I would greatly appreciate it. Another thing my parents did while they were here was buy me a web cam. Daddy set it up for me and everything. Armand went out and bought one too, so we've been able to see and talk to each other. It's been awesome!!!!! Thus, if I don't post more often then I have been, it's because I've been busy hanging out with my husband on our webcams. I think you are now caught up on my life. Sorry you had to wait so long. Have a great day!


At 3:55 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Hey there! Thanks for the update. Sounds like you've been pretty busy. Hope all goes well with Swan Lake.

Unfortunately, it always stinks when you perform without anyone you know in the audience, but just remember that everyone in that hall came to see a great show, and they appreciate what you do even if they don't know you. It gets easier.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Viki said...

Yeah for getting to perform! Did anyone get a video? Maybe we could be your belated audience from afar. :-)

Trey's advice is good, too. Especially when you're performing more often there will always be shows for which there's not someone specifically there for you, but remember that you're still making everyone in the audience happy.


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