The Music in My Head...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Racquetball in Omaha

I don't have anything really good to say in this post, but I just wanted to let everyone know that Armand did post yesterday, it's just not showing up. He's probably not going to be happy when he finds out it didn't work. Oh well.
Right now, I'm just hanging out in the Offutt library waiting on my husband to finish up his inprocessing so we can play some racquetball. He usually whoops up on me, but it's fun getting to play together. Every once in a while I can beat him when he plays left handed. I'm really competitive, though, so a lot of times we play together I get all upset because I can't win. He's wonderful, though, and puts up with my whining and loves me anyway.
I'm sure Armand mentioned the fish in his mystery blog, so I'll go ahead and keep you posted on them. They are all still alive sitting in their tanks at his TLF (Temporary Living Facility for you people that don't do acronyms). He has stressed over them a great deal. His latest stress has been the fact that he's afraid they'll kick him out of the TLF because of his fish, so he hasn't let them come and clean his room, yet. Last night we had to make the room look spotless so Armand would let them come clean the room. He thought that if the room looked messy it would make them mad and bring more attention to the fish, but if it was clean, they wouldn't mind him having the fish in there so bad. He doesn't make any sense!
I'm sure that in his blog that didn't post he also talked about our new house. We spent about 5 hours in it on Saturday just walking through it admiring its beauty and writing down any and every little thing we wanted them to fix before we move in next week. We tried to figure out where we would put the furniture, too. It's so hard to do when it's all just in your head. I guess Armand will get to make all of those decisions for real when they actually move the furniture in, since I won't be there. T3, when you get there, you'll have to make sure he made good decisions and help him move the furniture around if he didn't. One thing you have to make sure about is that he puts my rocking chair in our bedroom. He doesn't want to because the light wood on the chair doesn't match the dark wood of our other bedroom furniture.
I don't know what picture I'm going to attach to this post, since I'm not on my computer and don't have access to any of my pictures. I've got to put some picture on it, though, it's tradition.
OO, I found one. It's what Armand and I look like when we play racquetball, except we don't tuck in our shirts and Armand doesn't have a fro, although I think it would look cute on him.

Oh, tonight Armand and I are going to check out the Sarpy Serenaders practice. It's the local chapter of the SPBESQFSRBOLS.....or whatever that big long acronym is for the barbershop singing club. He really misses singing, so hopefully he can get really involved with this, since barbershop is his favorite.
Last night Armand and I watched a most wonderful movie on tv after we made his dad's awesome enchilades. There were really good, too. The movie was "Funny Face" with Audrie Hepburn and Fred Astaire. Oh, I love it! Armand had never seen it before. It was wonderful. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week!


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Jelaine said...

Armand's mystery post just showed up. Ignore everything I said about his blog that didn't post because it did. Silly me.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger ArmandII said...

Ok, first of all your rocking chair is at your apartment so it won't be there to put in the room yet.

Second, it is the SPEBSQSA and it was awesome! I'll talk about it in my blog though.

Last, the movie was really good...speaking of Audrie, T3 do you still adore her like you used to?

Kilroy was here!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Viki said...

T3 used to adore Audrie, but he doesn't talk about her nearly as much any more. Probably better for me - I don't know how I could compete with that kind of a legend this early in my life. :-)

Second, I love the SPEBSQSA! Their headquarters used to be just down the road from us in Kenosha.

Third, have fun with the furniture arrangment. That's what we're talking about now, too...

Finally, good job with the pop-up comment box!

At 2:41 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Yeah, Audrey is still awesome - my wife's just better!

It's hard to visualize where to put furniture before it gets there, but it's also a big pain to move it around a bunch trying to figure out where you want to put it once it gets there.

I'll try to help A2 with this difficult task.

At 11:07 PM, Blogger "E" said...

I heard you were sung too. What song did they sing, and don't ask Armand, heh.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Jelaine said...

It was "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" I cheated and asked Armand, but I did help him remember.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger H Noble said...

Ok so I was going to email you, but I don't have an email address for you or Armand. How in the heck do you get pictures in the middle of your posts. I can't figure that out yet. Any help?


At 11:43 AM, Blogger ArmandII said...

J is the one to ask on that, I can't even do it successfully...very strange.

Kilroy was here!

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Jelaine said...

all you do is click the upload image button when your writing your blog. then you browse for a photo and download it. you can then move it wherever you want to in your blog.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I think A2 would just look silly in a fro. I seem to find it easy to visualize where to put furniture, maybe it is because of all the ADD training. Day dream here, day dream there.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Scott said...

also why do Trey and Viki get links but not E, me, Andy, and anybody else you havent put on there?

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Jelaine said...

Sorry Scottie. Armand put those links on there and hasn't updated the links since. Hopefully, I can get everyone else's on there someday.


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