The Music in My Head...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Leaving Again

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. This one is going to be a short one, too. I'm headed out the door for Wichita Falls for a 2 week class on Jet Engine Mishap Investigation. I think it will be pretty cool. I might not be able to blog while I'm there, so sorry if it is another long time before posts. Things have been going pretty well this week in Oklahoma. My mom (pictured holding a big check) came up for the weekend to keep me company and go to church with me on Easter Sunday. She also helped me spend a whole bunch of money on clothes (everybody needs a new Easter outfit...or two) and stuff I needed in my apartment. While she was on her way here, I was cooking dinner for her, and it was the first real meal I've cooked since being in my apartment, so I go to open a can of tomatoes and find that the hand-me-down can opener I have doesn't work at all. When I turn the little handle, absolutely nothing happens. So, I decide to look for a neighbor. That was way harder than I imagined it would be. I think I am the only one who lives here. I finally found a couple leaving their apartment and asked them if they had a can opener I could borrow, they said they were moving out, but I could use their can opener if I didn't mind the mess. I was just desperate to get to my tomatoes, so they opened the can for me. But it's not like I met new neihbors, since they were in the process of moving out. Oh well. I continued making dinner and realized I don't have a cheese grater so, I decided to call mom and tell her to pick up a can opener and cheese grater for me on the way in. She did. We eventually ate. It was good. Anyway, I really have to head out now. Hope to keep in touch while I'm in the good state of TX.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger ArmandII said...

Good state?!!! That's THE GREAT STATE OF TEXAS, dear. Please get it right. But, you didn't tell me any of that story since you were so busy with your mom this weekend. :-( BTW, did oyu show her our blogs?

Kilroy was here!

At 8:32 AM, Blogger H Noble said...

What in the name of all things holy are you talking about? The good state of TX. We are talking about the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS. And PS we spell it out. When you marry into the State we expect a certain amount of awe. Come on now. Man...

Second. "Jet Engine Mishap Investigation". JEMI? When you get back I would like to know the USAF's definition of "mishap". Is this like a 'near-miss' which we all know is really a 'near-hit'? Is mishap code name for FAILURE or Bird Sucked In? Sounds fishy to me.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Since it's been said twice, I'll go ahead and be the third. The correct term is GREAT STATE OF TEXAS! (Think she'll remember now?)

I'm with J10 on the jet engine thing. When I think of something as powerful as a jet engine, the word "mishap" doesn't seem to quite cover it.

Anyway, don't take your time in Texas for granted - have fun!

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Viki said...

I think the class sounds interesting, and 'mishap' is probably just terminology they use so people involved in the 'mishaps' don't freak out too much?

I feel your pain on the can opener, too. I avoided adding stewed tomatoes to my tomato soup last week because we didn't have a can opener...after we found we needed one for Saturday night's dinner, I did go out and buy one though.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Scott said...

It seems the boys all think a like because the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS was going through my mind as well.

Let us know how the mishap class goes.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger ArmandII said...

You said it J10. I have to tell you though, she's trying really hard to learn to love Texas. Its a good thing too, since Trey and I decided this week while he was up here that the boyz should pool our resources and build a mansion big enough for all of us. He has even offered up the Jonhson ranch as a place to put it. And come to think of it, you could design it!

Kilroy was here!

At 4:41 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Mrs. J is afraid that the wives would never see us if we all lived in a big mansion, but I think we can talk them into it.


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