The Music in My Head...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Goodbye Okarche, Hello Apartment, Goodbye Armand Gene, Hello Omaha

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but things have been pretty busy in the Fondren's lives. Everything is different now, but not bad. I'm loving my new apartment in the city. We'll see how much I like it after living in it for a few weeks alone, though. Our house in Okarche is completely empty. We know longer have the keys. The AF movers came in on Monday at packed everything in boxes. On Tuesday they came and took everything away in less than half of a semi truck. Armand got completely outprocessed from Vance on Wednesday, and we had a cookout with our neighbors that night. It was a blast. We had to use their grill and kitchen and everything else, since all our stuff is either in my apartment in the city or on its way to Omaha. Armand and I spent last night there in the empty house with our fish on a blow up mattress. This morning we loaded up the fish in big trashcans and put them and their tanks in Armand's car. He's on the road as we speak (or as I type) heading for the tornados in Nebraska. Too bad he doesn't get to move straight into our new house (the posted picture is the house plans). He said to ask you guys to pray for the fish. I say you should pray for him, his safety, and his sanity as he tries to unload those fish in tornado weather.

Funny thing happened today in my apartment while the guys were installing my cable interenet hook-up. A little tiny bug flew up my nose. Thankfully I got to some tissue and blew it out before it got too far up there. It was pretty nasty feeling. I've got to head off to ballet class now. Have a great and Blessed Day, everyone.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Did the bug tickle?

Hope everything is great with the new apartment! Isn't it fun to move into a new place? My biggest problem is that I try to open the cabinet doors the wrong direction in the kitchen and the bathroom!

At 12:05 PM, Blogger ongr said...

Jules, give me a call, I'm thinking of going to the city this weekend to buy a new computer...

7199308392--the old number I have in my phone for you doesn't work, so there's mine.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Viki said...

New apartments can be fun, but then, so can air mattresses. We've dealt with both this week. Just make sure you have stickers for your car if the complex requires them or your car will be towed...You'll do fine on your own and if you want some company we'll send Willie down. :-)


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