The Music in My Head...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Nothing New Happening Here, Just Need Advice

Legend and I are getting along pretty well. He really is a most well behaved dog. I took him to the Vet on Sat. just to make sure everything was ok with him and get his tick and flea medicine, etc. The vet and nurse were very impressed with him. They said he was one of the most well behaved Min Pins they had seen. They immediately fell in love. I gave him his first bath with me, too, on Saturday. It was great. He just stood perfectly still in the bathtub while I washed him up. I've got a great dog...So great that I showed him off to my whole family last night over the web cam. My parents, grandparents and sister and her family. They thought he was adorable. Well, wouldn't you know that that night after I had bragged about how he was already house trained and never messed in the apartment, he pooped on my carpet. Blah. I was so mad at him when I found it this morning, but knew that since I didn't catch him in the act, I wasn't supposed to reprimand him, so I just silently fumed and cleaned it up. It was kind of my fault, I guess, 'cause he got up at like 3:30 this morning, so I took him out just in case, but I didn't not want to be awake, so when he didn't go immediately, I brought him back in and went to back to bed. I won't do that again.
The advice I'm asking for is about clipping his toenails. They're extremely long since he was a stray, and the vet said his quicks are really long too, since he hasn't had is nails cut in so long. He even cut the quick when he was demonstrating to me how to do it. The problem is, he only did 3 nails, so I tried to do the rest. It was awful. I couldn't do it. He wouldn't sit still. The vet had the nurse to hold him tight when he was doing it. Cheater. My sister suggested I try it while he's asleep, but I don't think he'll stay asleep if I start playing with his feet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I wanted to say a little something on Armand's behalf. I know he hasn't posted a blog in a while, but it's for good reason. He's been swamped with studying for his pilot training. He barely has time to do all of that and still manage to eat three meals a day, so blogging is low on his priorities. You'll have to forgive him. He's still alive and kicking, though. I get to talk to him over the web's wonderful.

(Test picture I took with my webcam. Ignore the messy bed in the background.)


At 11:44 AM, Blogger H Noble said...

Well not that it is the same, but I clip our cat's nails by holding him in my lap while he lays on his side. I get in a position like I am holding and petting him then quickly do a few. He is used to it now, so I get to do them all in one setting. That's my only advice.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger TreyJ said...

Cats are definitely different. Our one cat that has claws still doesn't seem to mind at all. Not sure how to get a dog to cooperate. Some friends of mine had a min pin and that dog was a spazz.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Jelaine said...

Thanks, Andy, for the encouragement to Armand. I'll let him know. Trey, my MinPin is NOT a spazz, but I here that's definitely an exception to the rule. Legend is wonderful, but I'm just going to have to fork out the $10 to take him to petSmart for them to cut his nails.

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Viki said...

Cook your neighbor dinner every once in a while in exchange for helping you hold down the dog? Either that or take him to a grooming place would be my suggestion.

Give Armand our love, by the way.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger ongr said...

Its worth the $10 so that he doesn't end up resenting you for the pain. One slip and he's really upset. Your personality isn't condusive to that kind of outcome.

Or you could think of it as retribution for shitting on the carpet. That would work too. Bring the pain!

Honestly, I let it up to a pro. Also, walking him on pavement/cement/blacktop often will keep them short, just so you know.

When are you gonna let me take you out anyway? I'll soon be moved :0p


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