To have Children or Not?
I've been struggling with this question recently. I've always been scared to death to have kids. It's such a huge responsibility. What if I completely screw them up? But the past year or so, I've really been feeling the tug of motherhood and decided I do want to have a baby. And then, just last week I had a scare with running out of birth control and really evaluated how I would feel if I got pregnant. I was terrified. I don't want to give up my life that I know now to raise a kid. I want to spend more time with just Armand and me so we can do all the things we want to do while we're still young. A kid would just get in the way... But then I read this article by focus on the family's Dr. James Dobson. It's a pretty long article, but it's really good. It really convicted me about how selfish I am and how culture is trying to convince us that we can have a more fulfilling life without kids. Children are truly a blessing from God, and if I'm so selfish that I would rather do things that I think are fun rather than receive a wonderful blessing from God, than I'm messed up. (I already knew I was messed up, though) Anyway, I'm going to be praying that God prepares my heart for accepting His wonderful gift of children when the time comes. (and hopefully that time will be at least after I'm living with Armand)