The Music in My Head...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Gym Etiquette

Ok, I know I haven't blogged in a long time, but I couldn't pass up the chance to tell this story to everyone. So, I was in the gym today doing a little weight lifting. It was time for my to do the bench press machine, but there was another lady on it. I waited a few minutes and when she was on her break between sets, I politely asked if I could slip in in between and do a set myself. She said, "Um, no. I won't take too much longer." A little taken aback by that answer, I said, "ok." and continued to wait. After she had done about 3 more sets, a man comes up to talk to her. She enters into a conversation with him while sitting on the machine and talks for about 5 minutes while I'm standing there waiting. I finally decided to ask if I could at least do a set while she was talking, and she said, "No. I be done in a minute. There are plenty other machines." None of which are the bench press machine that I need. She continues her conversation for a few more minutes and does about 3 more sets before she finally gets off the machine. Granted I was a little ticked at her, but more so I was just flabbergasted. I was simply amazed that there are people in this world who are that rude and don't even care. There are rules at a gym. If someone is waiting on your machine, you allow them to use it in between your sets. I was tempted to report her to the front desk in hopes she'll be banned from the gym or at least be told to play by the rules. Even if it wasn't a rule, it's at least gym etiquette. Is anyone else as amazed as I at her rudeness?
Here is a link to a little Gym Etiquette
Here are some more rules I copied from I've underlined the violated rules.
The Key 'Do not' points:
Do not leave equipment covered in your sweat - wipe it down with a towel/tissue. People would rather not use their own towel to wipe off another person's sweat
Do not sit on equipment you are not using (especially if it's busy)
Do not hog equipment by spending unnecessary time chatting too long between or after sets (especially if you are using equipment that there is only one of)

Do not train too close to other equipment you are not using or block others access to equipment or walkways, etc (especially if it's busy)
Do not interrupt people mid-set by talking to them or asking a question. Wait until they have finished the set (this happens to me quite a lot)
Do not move too near people when they are lifting as it can be very distracting having someone walking right behind you when you are deadlifting
Do not ignore other's request to share equipment you are using while you are resting between sets
Do not leave weights or plates littered around the gym floor. The least you can do is stack them nicely or move them to one side when you've finished if you're too lazy to put them back
Do not just move equipment that has just been left alone for a moment. Check to see if it's finished with first (they may have just gone to get a drink of water or some more paper to wipe down equipment with)
Do not, if not needed, have your mobile phone on. It is very distracting having phones going off in a gym every 5 minutes then people talking really loudly above the music to be heard. If you're not expecting an urgent call then leave it in your locker
The 'Do' points we should remember:
Do be mindful of the space around you and if you are restricting other's movement to certain areas or equipment
Do ensure you maintain your personal hygiene. It's not nice for others to smell your two week old training shirt that you've been sweating in every day
Do ask to work with others between their sets on equipment you may have been waiting for
Do allow others to work with you between your sets if they are waiting for your equipment.
If they look less experienced than you then offer it anyway as they may just feel intimidated
Do ask if people are finished with equipment once they have got up. Try not to assume they have
Do ask people to move if they are crowding you or restricting your access to other equipment
Do be polite as much as possible
Do train in the right areas when the gym is busy. If you can free up equipment by doing the same exercise elsewhere (e.g. bicep curls in the power rack) then do so
Do use common sense and sensible judgement with most situations
Do try and be flexible with others who may not know better
As you can see, this is not rocket science but basic common sense and respect for others.