The Music in My Head...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Short Post

Hey everybody. I know it's been awhile since I've posted, and this one is going to be short, but I'll get back on track eventually. I haven't been able to post because I've been to LA and am in the process of moving to Dayton. I'm actually in a hotel in Dayton now. I arrived Sat afternoon after two days of driving and a night in St Louis. My little VW Beetle was packed to the brim. Anyway, I'll be in this extended stay hotel for the next week while I wait for my future roommie to close on her (our) new house. Hopefully I'll get to move in on the 29th. To hear a good synopsis of my trip to LA with my sister, check out her (Marci's) blog. She left out a few things, like the drama of my flying standby and our dinner with Scotty, but captured the fun trip pretty well. Here are a couple of pics. Sorry I can't say more, but I've got to go inprocess now.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Me and My Mom Don't Get Out Much

So, my wonderful mother came up to visit me last weekend. She didn't really want to drive the whole way by herself, but then she realized that her baby girl was about to move far away and that she would never get to see her again (at least not till Thanksgiving or sometime that awfully far away) so she hopped in the car and made the trip.
Friday evening we basically just hung out. After going grocery shopping, I made this awesome recipe that sauted scallops in olive oil with fresh spinach, tomatoes, and garlic. We added crab meat as well, and it was delicious! Momma thinks I'm an amazing chef because I actually cook with fresh vegetables and stuff. We also had fresh greenbeans sauted with onions, and rice and applesauce to make it a well rounded meal. It was fun.
We then went for a walk out by a lake by my apartments. We took Legend, and even though it was really hot, we had a nice time. Then, we rented that movie about the 9-11 plane that went down in Pennsylvania. It was intense, but really good.
Saturday morning, I made some banana, raisin, Wheat muffins for breakfast that turned out pretty good. You have to realize, I very rarely ever cook things I've already tried, so it's always fun to me to see if the recipe I'm cooking is any good, since I've probably never had it again... Anyway, we packed a little (not much, though, since I'm planning on the AF packing it all for me) and played a little Racko. It's a game where you get ten numbered cards and you have to put the in order by drawing and discarding. It's fun. I killed mom the first game, but she killed me the second time. We decided it was best not to play a third round.
We then went to A Spot for Tea (a tea room) for lunch with my friend from work, her baby, and her mother and law. It was delightful and right next to an antique mall. So we did some shopping. I have to tell you that I got the deal of the century!!! I found the china I've been looking for my whole life and got a pretty complete set for 1/6 of what it would normally cost from the store and 1/3 what it would cost if I found everything I got on sale on E-bay. (Yes, my mom and I were so excited about the deal we got we looked it up on-line and added it all up to see just how much we saved).

Here are a couple of pictures of our new Noritake china that will go quite nicely with the curtains we just put up (See Armand's blog for pics of the curtains). I also got a couple of cool black and white photos of Okarche that we're going to frame and put in our house as a reminder of the first placed we lived as a couple.
That night we went to see Superman Returns. This is where the title of this post comes into play. Well, we decided we would each buy our own tickets, so I went up to the counter and said, "I need one for Superman Returns at 7:20, please" --Sorry, Trey. Then, knowing how expensive movies are these days, I asked if they had a military discount. She said no, but they do have a student discount, "Are you a student?" "Well, I'm about to be." Thinking about starting my Master's Degree in a few weeks, so she's like, yeah, that counts a lot of people are in between semesters and stuff. I didn't have the heart to tell her I was about to go to grad school, because I think she thought I was like a freshman in college. I look too young. Sidenote-when I was at the dentist the other day, the technician swore I couldn't be older than 21 when I told her I was almost 25. Anyway, with the student discount it turned out to be $7.50, so I was like, "Wow, how much would it be without the discount?" $8.50, which is what my mom had to pay. We then decide to splurge and get popcorn. So we get to the register and see that we have a coupon for $4 off of a #2 that includes 1 large popcorn and 2 large drinks. We're thinking, "cool, maybe it will only be $2 or $3" but we find out it's originally $12!!! So we would still be paying $8. Since neither one of us really like cokes to begin with we decide to scrap the value meal and just get a large popcorn for $4. But we do want some water to drink. So the poor guy behind the register says they have bottled water, but we're too cheap to pay for water, we just want tap water, so he says he can give us complimentary cups. They are these little tiny Dixie cup size paper cups. He puts two ice cubes in each cup (that's all that will fit) and off we go with our giant bag of popcorn (of which we get free refills) and two tiny paper cups that we fill with water at the water fountain. We finally sit down at the movie and start eating our wonderful popcorn and notice it's not very buttery. Still good, but not buttery like we remember movie theatre popcorn to be. Well, we finish the bag during the movie and decide we'll get a refill on the way out, since we want to get our money's worth and I'll eat it as leftovers later. I realize then that there is a little station where you put your own butter on. We put some on this second round. As we're walking out of the mall with our huge refilled bag of buttery popcorn we wonder whether there is a rule about taking food out of the theatre like there is about bringing food into the theatre. Anyway, the whole thing was an adventure and made us realize how little we get out.
Hope you enjoyed the story. We laughed a lot during the whole expedition, but I don't think it's as funny in print.
Sunday we went to a random church close by my apartments, then went to Bahama Breeze for lunch. It was a very nicely done Jamaican style restaurant. Really good food. I wish I had discovered it before. Then, Mom headed back to Arkansas. I know this was a really long post, but oh well.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Wonderful Weekend With My Husband

I took off work last Friday and this Monday, so I could spend some time in my real house with my husband. I headed up to Omaha Friday morning bearing my anniversary gift to him. Curtains for our dining room table. I wish I had a picture of them. Before you start saying how lame an anniversary present that is, let me remind you that Cotton is the theme gift for year 2, and I actually made these myself. I bought a sewing machine and material and started my new sewing hobby with a pretty big project. They turned out ok after many bumps in the road and having to figure out how to fix my mistakes. They are now hung in our wonderful dining room. The only thing left is to get our chairs covered to match. While I was up there, we also decked out our basement. It has the beginnings of an all out bachelor's pad. (E you've still got an open invitation to claim it for your own.) We bought a bright green shag rug and have a TV set up with a folding disk chair. My futon will eventually go down there as well as the gamecube. We've got an old school original Nintendo down there, but no power cord for it. If any of you have one to spare by chance, we'll take it. We're not even sure it works, but it would be worth a try.
Anyway, the weekend was filled with hanging out with friends (Armand's got a whole lot more friends than I do...), eating out, shopping, wine drinking, and a nice dinner date with just the two of us. I got to go to church with Armand Gene and was reminded that I absolutely love our new church. Everyone there is so genuine and really wants to get to know you and be your friend.
I'll be moving in a couple of weeks to an unknown place in Dayton, OH. I'm kind of nervous about it, since Armand won't be there to help me with it all. I'm going to start organizing and packing the things I can this week.
The weekend before I move, I'm going with my sister to LA, CA. We're going to try to get on The Price Is Right. She is a big fan, and thinks she could totally win. I always have no clue what things cost, but I'll have her there, if they call me down the aisle by mistake. We're trying to come up with ideas for how to decorate some t-shirts to wear or something that will bring attention to us. We've both got interesting names, so Marcilyn says we have a better chance of getting called down. If you come up with any ideas, let me know.
Oh, Armand says he will try to blog soon, but in the meantime, just read my blog. He has Babershop Choir practice tonight, but he might be able to find time tomorrow. Oh, I want to remind everyone that New Year's is still on at the Fondren house in Omaha. Uncle Leighton just bought his plane ticket. E, I'm sure you're coming, but are you flying or riding your future new motorcycle up? Justin and Holly, you guys should be able to fly SW cheap, right? Scott and Andy, I know it's a long ways for you guys, but you've still got to come!!!! My Sister and Brother-in-Law might be able to come, too. Well, that's enough for now. I'll try to post again soon.