The Music in My Head...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Updated Links

Yea!!! Armand put everyone's blog links on my page now. I've been having to go to his blog to get to everyone elses. He included my sister's blog, Marci. You should check it out and see all of the adorable pictures of my nephew. Oh, and Awesome pics of my brother-in-law doing flips on his wakeboard.

I'm so glad it's Friday. It's been a really long week. All day yesterday, I kept thinking (or maybe just wishing) it was Friday. Now it really is, yippee!

(no pics, cause you are directed to go to my sister's blog to look at pics.)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My First Sick Day

Wow! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last posted. And it was such a negative post to end on, too. So, where to much has been happening. I've actually gotten to spend 1/2 a month with Armand in the last 30 days! Well, you heard a little about my brother-in-law becoming a full fledged doctor. That weekend was the start of my Armand binge. The next weekend was a long one, so Armand came to Oklahoma.
We did some touristy stuff like going to the National Cowboy Hall of Fame Museum and the park.
We bought a kite and flew it in the never ending winds of Oklahoma.

We then headed down to Ft Worth to see the family. We got to go to a concert of Janene's and hang out with the kids a little. A couple of weeks went by and then Armand's family came up through OKC to pick me up on their way to Omaha. It was Mom, Pop, Janene, the babysitter, the three kids, me and Legend with all our stuff literally stuffed in the van. It was crazy. Of course they were running a little late, so we didn't get to Armand's house until 0530 in the morning after almost running out of gas in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. I got about an hour of sleep on that trip, so I went to bed when we got home. Armand got up and played with the kids, since they had slept most of the way. We got to take the kids to the park by our house and grill them dinner. We also made the best homemade cookies and cream icecream. It was a good time. The family then headed off on their vacation to Yellowstone while I spent the next week with Armand. I got to be a real wife (cooking for him, doing laundry, painting the dining room table...) for a whole week! It was awesome.

The last weekend I was there, we got to go hang out with this couple from church that live on the lake. We had a blast on their JetSki. Armand not only completely flipped it upside down for the first time since they've had it, he did it twice. They also had another couple from the church over that were about our age. It was so fun hanging out with them playing games and all. We brought our fondue pot and used it for the first time to make some cheese fondue for everyone. It was really salty and strong. I didn't like it. Oh well.

I then flew back home for 5 days of work and then drove to Arkansas to visit my family for the 4th. Armand flew in with Legend. Because Southwest doesn't allow animals on their flights, I had to leave Legend with Armand for that week. Anyway, we had a blast in Arkansas with my parents, sister, nephew and cousins and grandparents. We played on the lake, saw fireworks, shot fireworks (Armand has made it a tradition to put on this awesome fireworks show for the family) and watched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on my Dad's awesome new 6X9 ft projector screen with 7.1 surround sound. Armand and Josh helped him finish getting it all set up. It was a great time.

So then I came back to work for 3 days and last Friday had a hot date. Armand and I decided at the last minute to drive to Salina, KS (right in the middle of us) to celebrate our anniversary (today) and watch Pirates on opening night. It was great! We played a little golf on Saturday, too. So, now I'm back to my old routine in OKC without Armand. I think I'll see him again in 2 or 3 weeks, 'cause we're planning on going camping in Kansas. That should be fun. I love to camp, but haven't done it in so long. Oh, in the midst of all of that, I've decided to take up sowing. I'm buying a sowing machine tomorrow. I've already picked it out. I've got the material already that I'm going to make our dining room curtains out of. Hopefully I'll get them finished next weekend. My next project will be to cover our dining room chairs. Oh, I almost forgot, the reason I'm finally able to catch up with blogging is because I've taken my very first sick day. My throat started hurting pretty bad yesterday, so I decided if it wasn't better today, I wasn't going to go to work, so here I am.